Kenny’s Martial Arts YouTube Channel

A great resource for those new to martial arts and experienced practitioners. The channel’s focus is on straightforward martial arts concepts supported by high quality production values.

“The approach to Jiu-Jitsu is much like the approach to life. Without a good teacher, it can all be overwhelming and scary. You must learn the fundamentals, understand the patterns and remain calm amongst the turbulence. In time, you develop your own unique interpretation of the movements and learn to command your body into a unique style of your own. It is only then that you are truly practicing the ART of Jiu-Jitsu.”

- Kenny

The Teacher's Teacher

“There are at least two paths to anything. The hard and the soft. Sometimes you meet the harshness of the dam and other times the powerful gentle flow of the water. Jiu-jitsu is a meditative practice where the self is revealed and the practitioner must be feeling and listening at all times.

The energetic connection to the self and to the unwilling partner is essential to the deep understanding of the art. It is the most elegant of dances between the invisible energy within and the physical body you inherited.”

- Kenny